Secures your workpiece from the bottom side, eliminating the need for traditional clamps that get in the way of sanding, routing and planing. Works on nearly any workpiece with at least one flat face, as small as about 4'' square. Ideal for CNC projects, routed signs and plaques, small workpieces, carvings and more. Kit includes two pods, 8' of hose, T-bolts and fold-down knobs that slide into your T-track table or slotted CNC table. Pods may also be screwed to a traditional work table or workbench with the included brackets.
- No clamp arms allow ubobstructed access to the workpiece
- Multiple mounting options: T-track, slotted CNC table or screw-mount
- Quick activation and release ideal for production type projects
- Continuous gasket for a leak-free seal and strong hold
- Ball valve opens when workpiece is pressed down, engaging suction
- To be used with pumps that generate suction of at least 25'' of mercury (Hg)
- A maximum of four clamp pods may be connected in series with suction of 25'' of mercury (Hg). Use a more powerful pump or multiple pumps if you wish to use more clamp pods simultaneously